
E+Audiobook by Jake Casella

A step-by-step guide to healing your triggers at the root. This book will teach you how to process your triggers so they never effect you in the same way again.

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For someone in the healing arts who desires a holistic approach to helping myself, and others in my practice, I do know that deeper understandings of the human condition is potent medicine.

I needed these clear and simple psychological terms explained about the functions of the brain/body, and mind(s) to have those "ahhhh" moments when relating them to the energetics of the human condition.

This book seems to be my missing piece for optimal "unlearning".


I am completely new to this kind of thing, but your book was so well thought-out and explained, and it gave me a really good understanding of what to do when i'm feeling triggered. 

You've given me something I can use everyday to process and heal my past trauma, and the tools I need to grow into the best version of myself.

A simple and effective process to overcome the emotional baggage that's limiting your potential.

Our minds don't come with an owners manual, but after reading this book you will understand much about the human psyche and it's quest for evolution.

This is the book that I wish someone gave me as a struggling teenager.

Un-triggered reminds us that with the right tools, we can be both the healers of our past and the creators of our destiny.

A must-read for those who are committed to bettering themselves...

Ready to be Un-Triggered?

With your purchase, you will get:

✨ Ebook (PDF)
✨ Audio Book
✨ Cheat Sheets
✨ Guided Recordings
✨ Instructional Videos

PLUS access to a 30-minute mini-session with me (or one of my team) to workshop the process.

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