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The 'Empowered' Program

Move Past Your Sh*t
and Create the Life You Deeply Desire

👉🏽 Are you tired of your same old patterns playing out on an endless loop?

👉🏽 Do you recognise that your decisions are driven by fear rather than self-trust?

👉🏽 Is your wounding running the show, disconnecting you from your truth?

👉🏽 Are patterns of self-sabotage, negative thinking and limiting beliefs holding you back from all you are truly capable of and want for your life?


"Empowered" is my signature 1:1 Coaching Program, a unique therapy-based coaching hybrid which is all about getting to the root of what triggers you, disrupting negative thinking patterns, and building a strong foundation of self-worth.

It will take you from Triggered AF 👉🏽 to the empowered self leader.

An Empowered Self-Leader Confidently braves the seasons of life.


They have learned to understand triggers as messengers and setbacks as lessons—universal redirections that they embrace, leading them to realign their priorities with unyielding determination and flexibility.

They hold the skills and strategies required to navigate their triggers, find their balance, extract the learnings, and follow their internal compass with an embodied confidence.

They take consistent action rooted in their worth as they bravely edge closer and closer towards their dreams.

They choose time and time again to never give up because the life, love, career, and dreams they desire are not optional – they’re an essential part of who they are becoming.

They’re all in, no holding back.

The Empowered Program is for you if you'd like to...

  • Heal from relationship trauma and/or attachment issues, forging a path to healthier connections.
  • Untangle the subconscious protection mechanisms that have kept you safe but stuck.
  • Conquer self-doubt, reclaiming and strengthening self-trust.
  • Embrace accountability, ensuring consistent and aligned action towards your goals.
  • Rediscover your inherent self-worth, building unshakeable confidence.
  • Reconnect with your inner wisdom and let go of patterns that are no longer serving you.

The 'Empowered' Program is rooted in building Self-Leadership – the profound ability to understand yourself and curate your dream life, beyond past wounds and protective mechanisms.

As you embrace self-leadership, clarity arises about what you truly want, and you commit to showing up for those desires with unwavering determination.

You will learn to confidently navigate and resolve whatever obstacles arise, trusting yourself to consistently choose the path aligned with your mind, actions, and intentions until you reach your destination.

Guided by a heart-centred, no-nonsense approach, the program involves pragmatic coaching, psychotherapy, skill-building, and self-directed learning.

It acknowledges a simple truth – support, encouragement and accountability are sometimes all you need to springboard towards your dreams.

I am here to walk alongside you, providing the grounded and unwavering support, accountability and encouragement you need to make real, lasting change.


Here's what you'll get:

  • 8 x 90-minute 1:1 Zoom Sessions: Personalized coaching to address your unique needs.
  • Comprehensive E-Course: Packed with additional learnings, meditations, and videos to support your journey.
  • Human Design Session: Includes a detailed PDF and a session recording for your reference.
  • Tailored Post-Session Integration Work: Customized follow-up activities to ensure lasting impact.

Flexible Payment Options:

Payment Plan

$250 per week for 10 weeks 

Pay in full

Save $300!  (Total cost: $2,200)


I am truly dedicated to transforming your life.

If you fully commit to this program and don't experience a genuine, significant change, I will refund your investment in full!

Curious, but not quite ready to jump in? 👇🏽

Book a free, NO obligation mini session now.

My Promise Is Clear:

I will guide you to create powerful new subconscious structures. I will support your development of a newfound level of self-worth.

I will teach you to become your own healer, coach, and leader. I will nurture you as you re-establish a deep sense of trust within yourself and the universe.

I will provoke, encourage, and hold you accountable in taking aligned action towards your highest potential.